What is it about Fire Island that makes me such a lunatic? Yesterday, I took the boys on the 2 hour each way trip to get to the Sunken Forest. We had to take the ferry to Cherry Grove and walk to the Forest. What can I say about such a place...a poet, left speechless. Fire Island is truely the most beautiful relaxing place on the earth. Going there brings me immense excitement and happiness. I also have to say that as a disabled person, I feel so comfortable there. People don't stare at me. People don't question my body. When everyone is an outsider, no one is.
Beautifully written. Fire Island is a fantastic place filled with excitement and joy. I just love it!
I love it too. I totally hear you. I was there all weekend walking the beaches and I always feel deeply at peace. It's only two hours from my life in Manhattan but it feels a million miles away. No cars, no locked doors, bare foot. Heaven! So happy you get so much from it too! Signed, Fellow Island of Fire Enthusiast
I got to fire island on my boat all the time...it's not the best place in the world but it sure is fun to go to a getaway island every weekend in the summer that's only 20 minutes away!
There is no place in the world that I'd rather be than sitting in our family room looking out at the Great South Bay. I look foward to running in the Watch Hill nature preserve all winter.
When we brought friends of ours from the Caribbean to the beach, the first thing they said was that they couldn't believe a place like this existed in New York
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