Sunday, June 24, 2007

Pride Parade

Mayor Bloomberg was in the gay pride parade! I wish he'd run for president! We viewed the parade in front of the library. I think Jeff was pretty bored. It was hard to see, and just looked like people marching by. He did enjoy his little rainbow flag though. Despite my explaination, I don't think Jeff could really attribute any real meaning to the parade. I think it is because we have taught him not to be prejudice, and he doesn't consider these distinctions at this point. Still, it was so cute to see him waving around his rainbow flag saying the pledge of alliance!

For the most part, the parade was fairly sedate. We primarily saw the church groups. I was wondering if the parade has calmed down in recent years. I think that as more and more people come out of the closet, there is more diversity, and slightly less wildness. This sort of sucks, but it's good too.

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