Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Cruise and Holmes Call it splits

Now that I have your attention! Please remember to go vote! I voted today with my two charges (Arielle and Jeffrey) as school is out today. I tried to explain the process to the best of my ability which was a complete failure! I can't explain voting - but I could write a poem about it. Here's how I voted today in Brooklyn:

1. Eliot Spitzer (a all-around great guy)
2. Hevesi (he paid state money to drive his sick wife around, but I LOVE his commericial. No one in my house can even figure out what a comptroller is, so I'm not sure it matters.)
3. Senator( Some guy from the Green Party named Howie. I have very mixed feelings about Hillary. I think she's a weak politiciam who talks the talk, but doesn't really follow through. At least poor Howie will get 2 votes - I'll make Jim vote for him too.)
4. A bunch of Demo's I've never heard of for posts I'm not sure I grasp. Hey! As long as they're demo's.

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